Eric Bieber's Portfolio

Event Article
Adventurer Article
Trend Article
Trend Article
Trend Article
The style and goal of articles changed drastically while I worked at ClapwayTV. This is especially apparent in "Trend" articles (now called "Gear"). The website also went through a drastic change, which is evidenced in the following screenshots. Unfortunately you cannot find articles I have written by searching my name on the website as I am no longer an administrator, and the website is set-up to remove authorship when this is the case. The samples I've included are a few articles that I enjoyed writing. It's possible they aren't the best articles I've written (in fact, I'm sure that there are mistakes here and there in more than one of them), but they represent the breadth of my work, and how the direction changed as the website developed.
Articles for ClapwayTV

Tips Article